Bean Cup, Par: Martin Visser, Peter Hunter, Tania Chin. +3
Div 1: (0-16) P Hunter +3, M Visser +3, S Schoormans +1, B Grant +1, R King +1
Div 2: (17+) R Smith +2, N Pere +1, J Hoskins AS
Women: T Chin +3, J Dore +1
Haggle: 1,2,5 Jackpot
Nearest the pin: F Pucilowski
Lowest outright score on 12: jackpot
Net Eagle: jackpot
Birdie: jackpot
2s: A O’Donnell
Open: Peter Sullivan def Daniel Peter
Int A: Linsay Armstrong def James Huang
Int A: Martin Visser def Neil Yardeni
Jnr B: Nathan Pere def John Hoskins
Womens Jnr B: Fran Pucilowski def Alwyn O’Donnell
Womens Jnr B: Tania Chin def Becky Carlson
Full Club Champs results
Div 1: (0-16) P Sullivan 40, P McGrath 40, J Tonner 37, S Earney 37, A Timu 37
Div 2: (17+) N Pere 39, J Hoskins 35, Sparky 34, L Swart 34
Women: M Machirus 35, T Chin 34
Haggle: 2,11,18 Sparky 9pts
Nearest the pin: J Huang
Lowest outright score on 12: jackpot
Net Eagle: jackpot
Birdie: 7 P Sullivan, H Dyer, D Gee
2s: none
Div 1: (0-16) N Yardeni net 69, Peter Sullivan 70, J Huang 71, M Visser 72, H Falls-Anderson 72
Div 2: (17+) D Clearwater 70, R Bluck 70, R Smith 72, L Swart 72
Women: M Machirus 71, J Dore 73
Haggle: 1,9,12 Jane Dore 8pts
Nearest the pin: P Allsop
Lowest outright score on 12: jackpot
Net Eagle: jackpot
Birdie: jackpot
2s: M Visser
Club Champs Results
Div 1: (0-16) J Tonner 39, M Robinson 9, L Armstrong 39, R King 38, Parscott 37, S Earney 36
Div 2: (17+) L Dick 39, D Clearwater 37, N Pere 37, R Smith 36
Women: M Machirus 40, T Chin 38
Haggle: jackpot
Nearest the pin: C Dawson
Lowest outright score on 12: jackpot
Net Eagle: jackpot
Birdie: jackpot
2s: L Rogers, J Holdaway, S Schoormans
Canterbury's Oldest Golf Course. Est 1873