Div 1: (0-16) L Armstrong net 65, J Huang 71, N Yardeni 72, J Tonner72
Div 2: (17+) J Austin 68, T Perigo 69, J Dore 70, A Upritchard 71, J Hoskins 72
Haggle: 4,14,17 9pts L Armstrong
Nearest the pin: L Dick
Lowest outright score on 12: jackpot
Net Eagle: jackpot
Birdie: jackpot
2s: none
Div 1: (0-16) S Earney net 67, J Huang 72, J Tonner 72, L Armstrong 73
Div 2: (17+) P Lenihan 71, M Machius 71, D Clearwater 72, N Pere 73, J Dore 73, L Dick 74
Haggle: 4,10,14 jackpot
Nearest the pin: A Todd
Lowest outright score on 12: jackpot
Net Eagle: jackpot
Birdie: jackpot
2s: J Tonner, D Clearwater
Div 1: (0-16) L Armstrong net 69, J Huang 71, M Visser 71, H Galloway 72
Div 2: (17+) B Grant 63, G Sincock 66, O Tuilotolava 67, J Dore 68, J Hoskins 70, A Upritchard 72
Haggle: 7,12,13 9pts B Grant
Nearest the pin: N Pere
Lowest outright score on 12:
Net Eagle: jackpot
Birdie: jackpot
2s: L Armstrong, N Pere
Draw for 2021 Club Champs
Mens Open
David Gee def Richard King
Peter Hunter def Colin Dawson
Peter Sullivan def Hamish Galloway
Mens Int A
Linsay Armstrong def John Holdaway
Martin Visser def Alan Timu
Neil Yardeni def Joe Tonner
Mens Jnr A
Bruce Grant def Mike Chisholm
Alan Upritchard def Dave Clearwater
Tim Perigo def Ofa Tuilotolava
Earl Robinson def Barry Baker
Mens Jnr B
Lucas Swart def Paul Lenihan
Rory Smith def Robert Bluck
Nathan Pere def Bernie Cleave
Jeff Hoskins def Greg Sincock
Womens Jnr A
Joan Kiely def Gaylene Matthews
Div 1: (0-16) P Hunter 67, M McGrath 68, D Gee 68, P Sullivan 69, P Arscott 69, C Dawson 69, M Visser 69
Div 2: (17+) F Pucilowski 61, T Pousini 64, B Carlson 66, J Hoskins 68, J Kiely 68, R Smith 68, L Dick 70, T Perigo 71
Haggle: 1,9,16 9pts jackpot
Nearest the pin: D Gee, M Visser
Lowest outright score on 12:
Net Eagle: jackpot
Birdie: jackpot
2s: D Gee, M Visser, R Bluck
Canterbury's Oldest Golf Course. Est 1873